Saturday, August 14, 2010

The End.

I would like to say Thank You to everyone who has supported me during this project. I feel so blessed to have people in my life who are so caring, generous, giving, interested, and involved.

Having your encouragement, your congratulations, your questions, and your comments has made this experience meaningful to me in ways I never expected.

Thank you for donating, for reading, for discussing. Thank you for questioning, listening, probing, suggesting. Thank you for laughing.

When I first got involved with this project, and now that I am no longer at the farm, there has been one thing that has made me consistently proud. You.

I am so proud to know people who care about their food and their communities. I am so happy to know enthusiastic gardeners, proud CSA supporters, discerning shoppers, choosy eaters. I am so lucky to know people who grow their own tomatoes, shop at their farmers markets, visit their local farms, buy locally, and cook for their friends and families.

Thank you all so much for providing me with incredibly potent encouragement, not only by means of your emails, calls, conversations, cards, donations, and words of support, but more so by the example of your lives, your habits, your values, and your choices.

Your excitement about this project is what kept me going through the rough spots. Your dedication to responsible, sustainable, and conscious eating is what inspired me in the first place. And your support is what made the really wonderful parts of this project as sweet and delicious as they were.

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm. It meant more than you can imagine.

Most Sincerely, Gratefully, and Warmly,

Marie :)

1 comment:

  1. It sounded like a tremendously, wonderful experience. I hope others can take something from the essence and lessons of people like those that you met. As for you Marie, we are waiting to see where the road takes you next. Live it up.
